Thursday, January 13, 2011

The motherBOARD of all clocks

Toe die rekenaar oppak, was die moederbord net goed vir een ding, ‘n horlosie, hoe dan anders?

Jy sal sien dat ek amper nooit syfers op my horlosies sit nie. Dit doen ek sodat die horlosie op enige kant kan staan en nogsteeds tyd kan aangee. Jy weet mos darem waar die 3, 6, 9 en 12 op ‘n horlosie sit, so dis regtig maklik om die res uit te figure.

When the computer stopped working, there was really only one thing the motherboard was still good for, a clock, what else?

You will find that I almost never put numbers on the clocks that I make. This is so that the clock can be placed on any of it’s sides and still tell the time. You know where to find the 3, 6, 9 and 12 on a clock, so figuring out the rest is really quite simple.

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