Monday, May 16, 2011

Die Rooierwe, of moontlik Mars

Net vir ingeval jy gewonder het hoekom hulle dit die Rooierwe noem :) Dankie vir die kiekie Google.

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Just in case you were wondering why they call it Rooierwe (Red stands). Thanks for the shot Google.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Small changes

Wat dink julle van die nuwe uitleg en banner?

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What do you think of the new layout and banner?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fragments of a computer

Dié "raam" en kabels kom uit 'n rekenaar. Ek kan seker 'n foto ook daarin sit, maar ek hou van die geknoopte kabels.

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"Frame" and cables from a computer. Guess I can put a photo in it too, but I quite like the knotted cable.

2 computers become 1

My favourite part -
The DVD ROM is now a retractable CD holder.

Ek was hierdie naweek weer ‘n bietjie “kreatief” gewees. So ‘n maand of wat terug het ek twee ou rekenaars by die werk gekry wat nou in ‘n CD/Boekrak verander is. Duidelik weet die mense by die werk nou al waarmee ek my besig hou en daarom kom vra hulle eers of ek iets wil hê voordat hulle dit net weggooi. Solank ek plek in my woonstel het…bring it on. Gaan kyk gerus na een van my vorige posts waar ek ook ons werk se ou mikrogolf bietjie bygekom het. Long live die Mikrogolf

O ja, ek het nou ook ‘n klomp van die twee rekenaars se binnegoed oor, so verwag ‘n paar ander rekenaar-geinspireerde skeppings in die nabye toekoms :)

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This weekend was spent doing a bit of “creative” work. About a month ago I was handed two old computers at work that have now been transformed into a new CD/Bookcase. Clearly people at work know what I like to do with my spare time. And as long as I have space left in my flat…bring it on. Check out what I did with our work’s old microwave a few months ago. Long live die Mikrogolf

Oh, and seeing as I have taken apart two computers, rest assured in the knowledge that I now have an abundance of new parts that will be making its way to your screen, so to speak, as new creations :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tee, Kuns en Suurlemoenstroop op Riebeek

Ons het Sondag net na die middag gou vinnig deurgery Riebeek Kasteel toe. Wat ‘n interessante dorpie! Was heel verbaas oor die hoeveelheid klein koffiewinkels en restaurante wat daar is, en net so verbaas oor die getal mense wat ook hul Sondag namiddag daar deurgebring het.

Die eetplek waar ons gaan sit het se naam is Kos en Kuns, en net soos die naam voorstel is dit presies wat ons gekry het. Kyk net die cool koppie waarin hulle tee bedien het. Ek moes maar versigtig drink om dit nie sommer stukkend te druk nie :)

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Sunday just after lunch we took a quick trip to Riebeek Kasteel. What an awesome little town. I must say that I was quite surprised at the amount of coffeeshops and restaurants in the town, just as surprised as I was at the amount of people hanging out there on a Sunday afternoon.

We sat down at a place called Food and Art, and as the name would suggest, that’s exactly what we got. Just look at the cool cup my tea was served in. I had to concentrate really hard not to break it :)

Ander cool items wat ons daar gesien het was onderandere ‘n tafel wat uit ‘n ou deur gemaak is en ou teepotte en koppies wat in ‘n mosaic-werkstuk vasgemessel is om ‘n “water feature” te vorm. Regtig baie interessant.

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Some other cool stuff we saw there includes a table made from an old door and a mosaic water feature with an old teapot and cups cemented in. Really very interesting.

Ons het ook vinnig by ‘n winkeltjie gaan rondkyk en ek kon nie anders as om vir my Suurlemoenstroop te koop nie. Dit is nie so dik soos dié wat my ouma altyd gemaak het nie, maar dit smaak darem amper so lekker :)

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We also checked out this little shop and I couldn’t help but buy me some Lemon Syrup. It’s not as thick as those my grandma used to make, but the taste is almost spot on.