Sunday, May 8, 2011

2 computers become 1

My favourite part -
The DVD ROM is now a retractable CD holder.

Ek was hierdie naweek weer ‘n bietjie “kreatief” gewees. So ‘n maand of wat terug het ek twee ou rekenaars by die werk gekry wat nou in ‘n CD/Boekrak verander is. Duidelik weet die mense by die werk nou al waarmee ek my besig hou en daarom kom vra hulle eers of ek iets wil hê voordat hulle dit net weggooi. Solank ek plek in my woonstel het…bring it on. Gaan kyk gerus na een van my vorige posts waar ek ook ons werk se ou mikrogolf bietjie bygekom het. Long live die Mikrogolf

O ja, ek het nou ook ‘n klomp van die twee rekenaars se binnegoed oor, so verwag ‘n paar ander rekenaar-geinspireerde skeppings in die nabye toekoms :)

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This weekend was spent doing a bit of “creative” work. About a month ago I was handed two old computers at work that have now been transformed into a new CD/Bookcase. Clearly people at work know what I like to do with my spare time. And as long as I have space left in my flat…bring it on. Check out what I did with our work’s old microwave a few months ago. Long live die Mikrogolf

Oh, and seeing as I have taken apart two computers, rest assured in the knowledge that I now have an abundance of new parts that will be making its way to your screen, so to speak, as new creations :)


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