Friday, September 9, 2011

Ek wen nooit iets nie...tot nou!

Kyk wat het ek gewen! En al wat dit gekos het was 'n comment op een van my gunsteling blogs. Henriëtte van tjou-tjou het dit ontwerp en besluit om twee daarvan weg te gee aan iemand wat op haar blog comment. Toe word my naam sowaar uit die hoed getrek! (speech, speech! :) Al haar ontwerpe is by Haas beskikbaar.

Nou ja ek het nie iets cools om weg te gee nie, maar 'n paar comments is altyd welkom :)

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Look at what I won! And all that it took was just a simple comment on one of my favourite blogs. Henriëtte from tjou-tjou designed these awesome enamel mugs and decided to give two of them away to someone who left a comment on her blog. Lucky for me, my name was drawn! All here designs are available at Haas.

Now I don't have anything cool to give you yet, but a few comments are always appreciated  :)


Los daar 'n comment, toe! If a red line appears after you click "Post Comment", just keep clicking it until your comment is submitted. It usually works after the 3rd click. Please.